Hi! We're So Glad to Share our VISION with You!
It's Simple:
To have every young person in and about Garrett County achieve that “ah-ah” moment that develops his or her potential and success in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM.)
But how do we do it...? Keep Scrolling!
STEM Waypoint Lessons
Top Spinners, Number Guessing Game,
Key to the Universe
To bring about our vision we’ve developed three “tools” our team has developed to help make students something we call - “STEM-Ready”... Our top spinners, which we have given over 4,000 away… etc… most all through “Personal Encounters” or “Close Encounters of the STEM kind”. To help us do that we came up with our STEM Waypoints initiative to reach EVERY 3rd, 4th and 5th grade student in our school system. We are now moving into every 7th grade classroom as well.

3rd Grade-
Top Spinners
We use our top spinner lesson in every 3rd grade classroom to reinforce the concept of multiplication, as students are learning their multiplication facts. We use the studs of LEGO bricks and gear ratios to guide the students to create an immersive and engaging learning experience that ultimately ends in a LEGO Top Spinner!

4th Grade-
Binary Number Game
We use our Binary Number Guessing Card Game in every 4th grade classroom to expose students to the world of binary and the possibilities that go with it! Students are learning the place values of binary bits, and how to represent numbers in a base of 2.

5th Grade-
Key to the Universe
We use our Key to the Universe (Golden Ratio Caliper) lesson in every 5th grade classroom, because what 9 to 11 year old doesn't want ta key to the universe! We explore the concept of ratios, look at patterns in nature and compare e them with the Keys to show that all of creation is intertwined with this one ratio supported by the Fibonacci sequence and the number Phi (1.618).